Ideal Gourmet

LE 39V

Paris 8th

Michelin Recompense Michelin Ideal Gourmet Recompense Michelin Ideal Gourmet
Bottin gourmand  
Gault Millau Recompense Toque Ideal Gourmet
Ideal Gourmet Gourmet Ideal Gourmet
Membre ideal gourmet

All inclusive with drinks
Tel : 00 33 (0)1 45 72 07 14

Restaurant Paris Le 39V
Restaurant Paris Le 39V

*This menu is only an example, it changes according to seasons and the market

Restaurant Paris Le 39V

The menu below is only an example :

Ideal gourmet - Le 39V menu

Apéritif + Entrée + Plat + Dessert + 1 Bouteille de vin pour 2 + 1 Bouteille d’Eau minérale pour 2 + Café

39 V cocktail or a glass of champagne

Large farm egg by Mr Denfert, served ‘mollet’
mushroom royale and emulsion
black truffle ‘Tuber Melanosporum’
Raw scallops warm potatoes and mache salad, sour cream
Pressed poultry, artichoke, foie gras, mix of young shoots

Main courses
Maigre fish from a small boat
pumpkin, quince and organic chestnuts from the Cévennes
Roasted veal slices of Jabugo ham and Colonna bacon, spinach, sage juice
Lamb with citrus fruit, vegetable piquillo
(boulghour, dried fruit, herbs...), spicy sour juice


Chocolate soufflé, 85% cocoa
‘Panna Cotta’ with Tonka beans and caramelized hazelnuts
Mont blanc cream vacherin, tangerine/chestnut
39V coconut/chocolate

(½ bottle per person)
In perfect harmony
according to sommelier’s advice

Mineral water
(½ bottle per person)


The menu below is only an example, it changes according to seasons and the market.
Ideal gourmetIdeal gourmetIdeal gourmet