Ideal Gourmet


Chenonceaux, Indre-et-Loire(37)

Michelin Recompense Michelin Ideal Gourmet Recompense Michelin Ideal Gourmet
Bottin gourmand  
Gault Millau Recompense Toque Ideal Gourmet
Ideal Gourmet Gourmet Ideal Gourmet
Membre ideal gourmet

All inclusive with drinks
Tel : 00 33 (0)1 45 72 07 14

Restaurant Chenonceaux Le Bon Laboureur
Restaurant Chenonceaux Le Bon Laboureur

*This menu is only an example, it changes according to seasons and the market

Restaurant Chenonceaux Le Bon Laboureur

The menu below is only an example :

Ideal gourmet – Le Bon Laboureur Menu

Apéritif + Entrée + Plat + Dessert + 1 Bouteille de vin pour 2 + 1 Bouteille d’Eau minérale pour 2 + Café


Poached foie gras in a fine broth with salt,
Banyuls caramel

Main courses
Creamy risotto, gambas and parmesan cheese
Emulsion of forest mushrooms
Roasted saddle of lamb in a herb crust,
Filet with lamb juice and garlic cream


Fourme d’Ambert cheese toast
Or oven baked Brie cheese,
Dried fruits and mesclun salad
Roasted pineapple with vanilla, lime sorbet
Exotic fruit velouté in a coconut cappuccino

(½ bottle per person)

Mineral water
(½ bottle per person)


The menu below is only an example, it changes according to seasons and the market.
Ideal gourmetIdeal gourmetIdeal gourmet